Granny Midwives Oral History Project

Granny Midwives Oral History Collection

Collection Items

  • Robert_L_Smith.jpg
  • Rosa_Herns_King.jpg
  • Alma-Mcpherson-Fisher.jpg

    "There were so many of the household remedies that my grandmother did, and people were cured by just her recommendation, by her prescription, unwritten."
  • Linda-Fay-Phillips-Holland.jpg

    "I can tell you this about midwife delivery: I’d rather have midwife delivery than hospital delivery, if you wanted to compare the two..."
  • Formisano-Moore-Otis.jpg
  • Minnie-White-Watson.jpg
  • Bessie_Gardner.jpg
  • Sankofa_Ra.jpg
  • Garnette_Galloway.jpg
  • Ida_Jackson_Mattie_Stevens.jpg

    "Ms. Perry Lee traveled all over the plantations all around in Flora, all around down in there where my daughter-in-law and them stayed, everywhere."
  • Jessie-Taylor.jpg
  • Lessie-Hayes.png

    "You know, the hospitals—that being rural Mississippi, Blacks were not allowed to go to the hospitals that were available at that time."
  • Gloria_Robbins.jpg

    "They would follow the almanac and the weather, and they was able to dictate if the weather was a certain way, oh, she would deliver tonight."
  • Louise_Smith_Miles.jpg

    "I knew that she was a midwife, and I know I trusted her, because then everybody knew about her. Everybody in the community knew when we was growin’ up."
  • Bernice_Williams.jpg

    "She went to deliver when they came to get her. I don’t care if it was stormin’, sleet, snow, whatever, what time of night. She got up."
  • Freda_McKissic_Bush.jpg

    "...we worked with the midwives who delivered babies in the home...helped them learn more scientific information, and...also to teach this to the mothers..."
  • Harper_Butler_Pierre.jpg

    "...whooping cough, measles, and all types of illnesses like that. She had a remedy for everything you had. She had some type of remedy."
  • Lucille-Green.jpg

    "And so those midwives must’ve been mighty well trained, because they knew their craft, and they took care of those babies."
  • Ted_Henry.jpg

    "...during those times, there was some friction between midwives and doctors, in the sense that most of the conversations they had were between women..."
  • Zell-Long.jpg

    "I don't know what her fee was but they would give her goods, groceries, vegetables, those kind of things, in lieu of payment and she never complained."
  • James-Roberts.jpg

    "You can’t just discuss the midwife without discussing our way of life. So it’s really a vital part of history, and it deals with all of us..."
  • Rosie_Lee_Lloyd.jpg

    "...she was the known midwife here, and she delivered most of the babies, because at that time it was $25 to deliver a baby, and she delivered most..."
  • Mary_Joyce_Sanders.jpg

    "And everybody coming in this clinic—I mean that was in the clinic, that was working—all white. And when I had come in, they knew I was coming but they didn't know—I don't think they knew I was Black. I could tell then that somebody was gonna have a problem and I wasn't counting on it being me. And it wasn't me.”
  • Ashelee_Singleton.jpg

    "’s just been such a stigma placed on it, to feel like just because people are doctors that they’re better than midwives, or nurse midwives..."
  • Calvin_Harris.jpg

    "And she came and even washed clothes for them, and took care of the house. She practically took over the house. That’s why she was known as Mama Janie."
  • Willlie_Ruth_Thames.jpg

    "Mama Clara, she gave birth—she was the midwife of all of my family, and all the other was in the family, and everybody had 10, 15 children."
  • Thelma_Lee_William_Walt.jpg

    "...she was a outreach person, helpin’ children, you know, everybody that she could. She always would go round, helpin’..."
  • Ava_Twee_Williams.jpg

    "...she start slowin’ down with midwife, but she went with another midwife to help them out. She was helping Ms. Sadie Colman out, Virginia Powell."
  • Beverly_Johnson-Durham.jpg

    "She had a bag, and she had a white pan that was trimmed in red that she would wash the baby in. In her bag, she had her tools that were sterilized."
  • Mae_Dorothy_Thompson.jpg

    "I’m a member of the church. She did that for $15. And believe you me, we didn’t have the $15. Paid her $5 this week and $5 the next week, $15."
  • Larry-Thomas.jpg

    "She was the community midwife, she worked the whole community which I stay in, and you know she, that was her job. She went from house to house."
  • Laverne-Griffin.jpg

    "Most of them wore white uniforms, but if they didn’t have the uniforms they’d always wear the white apron."